Brendan Stewart
Welcome internet stranger! This site serves as a placeholder for my thoughts and memories and represent that of my own and not that of my employer. If you happen upon the site – consider it a modern day diary and maybe enjoy a few photographs and pass 5-10 minutes of your day…
The name of the site came about from visiting India and people calling me… ‘Mr. Brendan’. Everywhere else in the world, i’m known as ‘Mr. Stewart’, ‘Brendan’, ‘hey jerk!’ etc. But in India it is ‘Mr. Brendan’. So it’s kind of stuck with me over the years.
I grew up in Boston, Massachusetts and I’ve been extremely lucky in life to have had the opportunity to travel around the world. I’m hoping i can share a lot of these experiences here whether through words, photographs or more commonly a combination of the two. And while i hope my photographs move you, perhaps I, myself, will learn a thing or two by putting my thoughts to type.
The topics here will seem quite random but i hope to reign that in by categorizing my posts to ensure that it’s obvious if i’m being sarcastic, introspective, sentimental or just ranting. I have many interests including music, security, aviation and other engineering topics.
I married the love of my life in 2012 and we have settled down here in Massachusetts with two boys. So sit back, relax and enjoy!
Here are a couple of photographs of myself at random times and random places:
Riding Camel in Desert:
Hi Brendan, so happy to see you have a great life!
Was thinking of you and found your site.